
* I am sharing my personal views not the views of RenaissanceRe 
  or any of its subsidiary companies.
* Thought provoking only: The materials are provided for information 
  purposes only and are in summary form.
* This is not consulting: No representations or warranties are given. 
  If you want to use these ideas, hire a pro.
* This is not financial advice: No financial advice is being given 
  nor any recommendation to invest in any product. 
* Historical data is no assurance as to future results.


JD’s Lemma:

To migrate Excel analysts to coding, help them be better at Excel first.

If you fail to migrate them to R you will at least have better Excel!


Corporations Are Sad Silos

Art by Allison Horst

JD’s Lemma:

To migrate Excel analysts to coding, help them be better at Excel first.

If you fail to migrate them to R you will at least have better Excel!

But that R Environment Though…

How To?

wb <- loadWorkbook("iris_wb.xlsx")

Write & Save

  wb = wb,
  sheet = "iris_sheet",
  x = iris,
  startCol = 1,
  startRow = 1,
  tableStyle = "TableStyleLight9",
  tableName = "iris_table")
saveWorkbook(wb = wb,
             file = "iris_wb.xlsx",
             overwrite = T)

XKCD Assumptions:


All time is of equal value


Certain windows of time are precious.

XKCD Assumptions:


Current frequency of reporting = future freq


Once automated, reports find new uses.

XKCD Assumptions:


All time spent doing analytics is of equal utility


Some tasks are so awful you just can’t even…

XKCD Assumptions:


Automated and manual workflows produce the same product.


Manual processes breed errors.

Art by Allison Horst: @allison_horst

All drawn digitally with Procreate on iPad…