
Using Python sympy in a Python code chunk in RMarkdown

I was recently asked about using sympy in Python to print \(LaTeX\) formulas in RMarkdown notebooks. I misunderstood the question at first but after some thought I realized that I didn’t know if it would work… but I should try it. Yes, printing elements of a matrix. So it's due to the prog languages' differences ( R vs Python), not rmarkdown vs Jupyter Notebook? — Eyayaw T. Beze (@EyayawBeze) July 25, 2020 I knew that I could run Python chunks in an RMarkdown notebook.

Installing & Debugging ODBC on Mac OS X

I just spent nearly two full days in a bare knuckle brawl with my Macbook Pro trying to get it to talk to a corporate MS SQL Server. I had abandoned MSSQL more than a year ago in favor of PostgreSQL because of how much easier it is to work with PostgreSQL from a non-Microsoft stack. At that point I was R running on Linux and soon R running on OS X.